Saturday 30 June 2012


When will our Universe (which is a part of multiverse as you say it is and I do believe this) end?
It will end whenever I El-Shaddai will perish.
When will this sad era take place? Time will tell. (The STI is yet to develop in knowledge)

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Dear El-Shaddai,

(This one is on behalf of humanity).

Is it humanly possible to create life in a lab with focus on mans nutritional needs.

YES, however I must add:

There are no short cuts (for example,  El-Shaddai should fill in the gaps.)

All said and done, Man himself must work very hard in developing a state of the art technology to pursue this objectively and I am sure say within three years it might become a reality.

For my part, the keys to life have been left on the table. Help yourself.

JUNE 28, 2012.

Sunday 24 June 2012


How many multiverses are out there?
Billions of which your universe is just one. El-Shaddai

Saturday 23 June 2012


Neutrino, yr expression, signifies undivided light particle.
It looks different but it is still a light particle.
El- Shaddai.

Wednesday 20 June 2012


The possibility of a “Tunguska” like  incident where parts  of a comet the size of a couple of football fields hit the earth is quite frightening to think about ; Could something like this happen again in the foreseeable future?
 Yes, but I am not going to predict a date and I don’t have to in this era. El-Shaddai.


Sunday 10 June 2012



I have never spoken to Russians directly until I met some of them on a ship I happened to be sailing on.
Being curious by nature and after having asked the usual questions about life in Russia, etc. etc. etc. the matter turned to Religion. Do you believe that there is a God I asked one and he told me No. I do not believe in a super being. What happens to you once you leave this earth. Well, we just go into the ground and that’s the end.
I began to look at life from a different angle. Do I need A God. Well all of my life I had someone to turn to when helpless and here I meet  a person  who does  not turn to some divine being for help they search for strength from within and ofcourse from near and dear ones. Live and learn has been my motto for a long time.
During a boat-drill on this ship which is all about lowering lifeboats and abandoning ship in an emergency, this Russian mate and I got to talking about dangers in lowering a boat . Not my line of work, anyway,He related how on one of the Russian boats he was serving on, the lines holding the boat being lowered accidently snapped/unhinged  and he and a fellow who was on that boat being lowered got thrown into the icy waters and were under that boat which had turned turtle. (Today boats are more state of the art) Any way, both he and his friend managed to swim out from under that boat and were rescued by their mates. The water was so cold that in another five mins or so  they might not have made it to safety. As he finished relating this story, I heard THS say: “ I helped him”.  I  smiled thinking it was a joke and added but he is an atheist, he does not believe in you.
His answer: These are good people. (He never ceases to amaze me.)
Belief in God or Good People?  
The Owner of this Universe will decide whom to help and whom not to; not people who think God has made them judges of the living by succession to st. Peter or who ever  They do not really believe in God. Even if they did, they have no right to make laws in his name. SRT

Thursday 7 June 2012



I was shown this picture by Our God El-Shaddai a long while ago and it reminded me of two translucent slabs, one milky white and the other silky black touching each other surrounded by space undefined. 
Just yesterday the 7th I was told to disclose to those interested that if you want to know what was there before the bing bang as man keeps mentioning it, this was all that was there.
From this origin was born  multiverse of which our universe is one segement having its own God in this aspect of Electromagnetism index. (Picture a mandarin with its many segements)

Bye and take care and May El-Shaddai remain in you always.    SRT

I just called to say "I Love U" I just called to say............

Saturday 2 June 2012



I had once asked El-Shaddai about the death of trilobites.

A very reluctant answer “ the constituents of the waters they inhabited got changed and they perished and I had nothing to do with their demise."

I would gather it does not affect EL-SHADDAI one way or another if a species died. I remember seeing a replica of a Dodo Bird in Durban Museum (S.A.) and feeling sorry that we had to loose this particular species (from whence came the phrase 'as dead as a dodo')  and for a long time would wonder why?  I guess we just have to get used to the disappearance of a species if one  cannot do a thing about it. May be one day he might give us the know how, to go about creating that species again.  It is not impossible. I believe if we master the art of creating a single leaf(plant),  he often told me, from that stage  onwards, to create different species is very easy. Is man on the way to becoming a Creator and why not if the know how is some how given to him through El-Shaddai's  alter-ego.
Seek (with his help) and you shall find.