Tuesday, 29 April 2014




The more scientific minded some of you are , the more than likely you would be willing to accept the O.T. version of God. Jehova or I AM WHO EXISTS. One Astrophysicist was unwilling to accept a picture of God portrayed as an old man counting sparrows as they fell to the ground. from some hidden location.Another scientist welcomed the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza but not a personal God, a belief he criticised. He called him self an agnostic not an atheist.

Has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of Science? claim quite a few.

Scientists are trained to think differently. Not to resort to clichés like:

God made it or God created it or an Adam and Eve story which brings us back to, who created God? This is what we Scientists are pursuing, you and I. There is no blasphemy involved because I also am a scientist like you pursuing the thought of, how did I come into being? or in other words who created me? A super God? and if so who created him and so on and so forth. Get the picture?

Lets leave religion out of it and let us resort to facts at least in this God vs Science Blog..

Well what ever your point of view, even if you are an atheist, or the likes of Stephen Hawkins, it is no problem. Let us try and find out together who El-Shaddai or God is and whether he or she exists.

To conclude, lets review what El-Shaddai has revealed so far. El-Shaddai whispered to himself, My son STI (some total intelligence of man) has advanced in knowledge of the universe and it is time that he learnt more about who he is and where he is going. I will help him research all I know about creation and about life his and mine as it exists in the universe. Hence these tid bits of information to help you in your work.

Until we meet.


27-04- 2014.

THS favourite ditty: "All lies and jest. Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." SRT.

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